Grants Awarded


Ideal Learning Head Start Network 2024, Toscha Blalock, Chief Learning & Evaluation Officer, Trust for Learning

Resisting Asian-American Racism: Empowering Korean American Families through the F2F Suda Program, Jinhee Kim, Ph.D., Kennesaw State University, Sophia Han, Ph.D., University of South Florida

An intersectional and African-centered approach to understanding parents’ ethnic-racial socialization practices among Black students with neurodevelopmental disabilities, Noreen Yazejian, Ph.D. and Nicole Telfer, Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute

Examining Effects of Assessor Identity and Context on Children’s Executive Function Performance, Dana Miller-Cotto, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, and Andrew Ribner, Ph.D., Chatham University

Supporting Marginalized Youths’ Educational Success: A Mixed-Methods Natural Experiment, Rebekah Levine Coley, Ph.D., Boston College


Montessori Primary Education: Kindergarten Outcomes, Karen Manship, American Institutes for Research

Empowering Indigenous Language Revitalization Schools: A Listening Session for Policymakers and ECE Advocates, Wendy Shenk-Evans, Executive Director, Montessori Public Policy Initiative

Enhancing Navajo Nation Youth Academic Achievement Through Diné Character Education, Hollie Anderson Kulago, Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University

Ideal Learning Head Start Network Research Agenda and Strategic Planning Convening, Toscha Blalock, Chief Learning and Evaluation Officer, Trust for Learning

Bridges Collaborative: An Unprecedented Grassroots Initiative to Advance School Integration and Civil Rights in Education, Halley Potter, Senior Fellow, The Century Foundation

Recipe for Success (RFS): Improving Literacy and Diet in Latino Preschoolers Through Peer Support, Diana Leyva, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh

Society for Research in Child Development, $5,000 to provide honoraria and stipends for SRCD’s pre-conference session honoring Dr. Edward Zigler, March 2023.


Police Curriculum in Early Childhood Classrooms in the Era of Black Lives Matter, Allison Sterling Henward, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University

Research Planning Grant – Ideal Learning Head Start Expansion, Toscha Blalock, Trust for Learning

Evaluation of an Independent School District Newcomer Program, Brian Holzman, Ph.D., Texas A&M

RAPID-EC – Early Childhood and Child Care Workforce Survey Research, Philip Fisher, Ph.D., Stanford University

Determining Contextual Support for Individual and Collective Agency in Pre-K – 3rd Classrooms, Jennifer Keys Adair, Ph.D. The University of Texas at Austin


Racial Equity in Discipline for Black Students (REIDBS), Dorinda Carter Andrews, Ph.D., Michigan State University

Pre-K through 12 Education and COVID-19: Landscape Analysis of Impact Indicators, Ashley Kazouh; Adam Hollowell, Ph.D.; Lauren Fox, Ph.D.; Keisha Bentley-Edwards, Ph.D. Final report available here. Public School Forum

Teacher Recruitment and Retention Trends across North Carolina and the Impact of COVID-19, Lauren Fox, Ph.D., Ashley Kazouh, MSW/MPA, and Adam Hollowell, Ph.D., Public School Forum

Improving Early Childhood Programs Through the Creation of Field-Building Tools: EC PRISM, Tyson Barker, Ph.D., Institute for Child Success

Creating Conditions for Success: Expanding and Deepening State Leadership on Early Learning 2021, Javaid Siddiqui, PhD, The Hunt Institute


Expansion of ACSES: Evaluation of psychometric properties of the Assessing Classroom Sociocultural Equity Scale (ACSES-Global, ACSES-Snapshot, ACSES-Voice), Stephanie M. Curenton, Ph.D., Boston University

Guidance to K-12 Education on Responding to COVID-19, Natacha Blain, J.D., Ph.D., National Academy of Sciences

Proposal to Design the Data System and Monitoring Process for Assessing Compliance with the Leandro Requirements, Susan Mundry, EdM, Hoke County Schools

Early Career Mentoring and Research Capacity for the Baby’s First Years Study, Greg Duncan, Ph.D., The University of California, Irvine

Ripeness for Change: An Analysis of States’ Readiness for Equity Policy Reform, Shantel Meek, PhD, Arizona State University

Creating Conditions for Success: Expanding and Deepening State Leadership on Early Learning, Javaid Siddiqi, Ph.D., The Hunt Institute

Ensuring Equitable Access to Childcare Amidst Covid-19, Dan Wuori, Ph.D., The Hunt Institute

Exploring the Opportunity Gap for Young Children Birth to Age Eight, Natacha Blain, J.D., Ph.D., National Academy of Sciences

North Carolina Strategic Research Capacity and Partnership Initiative, Jenni Owen

Trust for Learning Supporting Equitable Educator Development (SEED) Fund, Trust for Learning


Montessori Research Initiative, Child Trends, Furman University, University of Kansas

Refinement of the Assessing Classroom Sociocultural Equity Scale for Individual Children (ACSES-SNAPSHOT) for Montessori Classrooms, Dr. Stephanie M. Curenton, Boston University

Public Montessori Teacher Professional Development, Reading Diverse Families, Desirable Schools: Public Montessori in the Era of School ChoiceMira Debs, Ph.D.


Family Influences on the Effectiveness of the Pre-Kindergarten Program in Baltimore City, Dr. Brenda Harden, University of Maryland

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Food for Thought Program, Dr. Diana Leyva, Davidson College

Developing an Observation Instrument for the Implementation of Montessori Practices, Dr. Angela K. Murray, University of Kansas Center for Montessori Research


Evaluating the Effects of Music Education Programming in Low-Income Communities: A Randomized Control Study, Dr. Jessica Sperling, Duke University

Montessori Research Retreat, Dr. Angela K. Murray, University of Kansas Center for Montessori Research


Involving Parents in Children’s Learning and Perceptions of Math Through Games, Dr. Cathy Tran and Dr. Martin Buschkuehl, MIND Research Institute

Enhancing Child Development Through a University-Library Partnership: Evaluation of  Books Can…, Dr. Michelle Taylor, Arizona State University

Evaluating Co-Constructuve Elaborative Storytelling for African and African-American Preschoolers, Drs. Adina Schick and Gigliana Melzi, New York University

Early Bridges: Impact of a Preschool Theater Arts Program on Low Income Preschoolers’ School Readiness Skills, Dr. Amy Susman-Stillman, University of Minnesota


Food for Thought: Children Learning from Menus, Recipes, and Shopping Lists, Dr. Diana Leyva, Davidson College

Development and Effectiveness of the Minnesota Math Corps, Dr. David Parker, ServeMinnesota


Improving Self-Regulation and School Readiness in Preschoolers, Dr. Leanne Tamm, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Collaborative Coaching: Improving Teacher Classroom Practices and Student Achievement in High Poverty Schools, Dr. Linda Reddy, Rutgers


Oral Stories in the Classroom: Encouraging Preschool Teachers’ Use of Cultural Funds of Knowledge, Drs. Gigliana Melzi and Adina Schick, New York University

Partnerships for Each Childhood Curriculum Development: Readiness Through Intergrative Science and Engineering (RISE), Drs. Christine McWayne and Jayanthi Mistry, Tufts University


Literacy, Learning and Technology in Middle School, City University of New York

Figuring it Out for the Child: Co-parenting Alliances Among Expectant Unmarried African American Parents, Dr. James McHale, University of South Florida


East Durham Children’s Initiative, Duke University

Family Academy: Researchers and Practitioners Improving Outcomes for 0-3 Year Olds, Dr. Lauren Martin, University of Minnesota

A Unified Assessment System to Inform Early Care and Education (ECE): Professional Development and Instructional Practices in New York City, Dr. LaRue Allen, New York University


Educare Randomized Control Trial and Age 5 Assessments, Drs. Noreen Yazejian and Donna Bryant, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Public Montessori Preschool Outcomes in a Low-Income Community, Dr. Angeline Lillard, Universtiy of Virginia