Expansion of ACSES: Evaluation of psychometric properties of the Assessing Classroom Sociocultural Equity Scale (ACSES-Global, ACSES-Snapshot, ACSES-Voice)

5/1/2020 – 4/20/2021


The aim of this study was to expand the investigation of the psychometric properties of the ACSES subscales–ACSES-Global, ACSES-Snapshot, and ACSES-Voice—by examining the reliability and validity of the measure. The methods that were used included coding of video recordings of classroom interacations and then analyzing these ratings to examine the factor structure, item functioning, and the predictitive validity on child outcomes. Results showed that the factor structure for ACSES is pretty consistent across various samples and across revisions to the measure, it also showed predictive validity for child outcomes related to social emotional skills and executive functioning. All these findings have wide implications for the field because the field is really receptive to getting a measure like this disseminated to programs.