The Brady Education Foundation seeks to close the educational opportunity gaps associated with race, ethnicity, and family income. The Foundation pursues its mission by promoting collaboration among researchers, educators, and other stakeholders via the funding of research projects and program evaluations that have the potential of informing private funders and public policy.
Research Projects
The Foundation supports research projects that have the potential to provide data that will inform how to address disparities in educational opportunities associated with race, ethnicity, and family income for children from birth through age 18. The Foundation is particularly focused on supporting research that is consistent with a strength-based perspective (i.e., recognizes the challenges and trauma historically and currently experienced by different communities as well as each community’s strengths and cultural wealth) and has the potential to inform practice, major philanthropic giving, and/or public policy.
Existing Program Evaluations
The Foundation supports the evaluation of programs that are feasible and sustainable (i.e., can work and be maintained in the real world of educational settings and systems), accessible (i.e., are available to and attainable by the families that need them), and strength-based (i.e., recognize not only the challenges that minoritzed families and those with low economic resources face but also the strengths that are developed and supported through cultural wealth that children and families bring to the learning environment that can be capitalized upon to promote strong academic outcomes).